We create portfolios with stocks that has been showing great momentum as well as great fundamentals. The portfolio usually consists of 15 -20 stocks that gets cycled from time to time based on the trend getting exhausted. We follow a principle called as momentum investing. Momentum investing is a trading strategy in which investors buy securities that are rising and sell them when they look to have peaked. The goal is to work with volatility by finding buying opportunities in short-term uptrends and then sell when the securities start to lose momentum. Our stocks are selected based on its prehistoric performance, fundamentals as well as the
We create portfolios with stocks that has been showing great momentum as well as great fundamentals. The portfolio usually consists of 15 -20 stocks that gets cycled from time to time based on the trend getting exhausted. We follow a principle called as momentum investing. Momentum investing is a trading strategy in which investors buy securities that are rising and sell them when they look to have peaked. The goal is to work with volatility by finding buying opportunities in short-term uptrends and then sell when the securities start to lose momentum. Our stocks are selected based on its prehistoric performance, fundamentals as well as the
Hariprasad K
9 years experience
Hariprasad K started his career in the financial markets working for international prop trading firms in the crude oil industry post which he set up his own prop firm and wealth-management desk. He does risk-defined options strategies targeting to make 2-3 % on a monthly basis. His focus is on expiry day strangles as well as ratio spreads for directional trades. His firm, Livelong Wealth, has been in the wealth management industry for the last 7 years with 20 crore+ AUM globally at their prop desk. Their major focus is on trading Banknifty and Nifty options strategies and from time to time take long only Equity Swings. They pay careful attention to managing the risks on their spreads and believe in consistency and long-term vision rather than quick profits with higher risk.
Hariprasad K started his career in the financial markets working for international prop trading firms in the crude oil industry post which he set up his own prop firm and wealth-management desk. He does risk-defined options strategies targeting to make 2-3 % on a monthly basis. His focus is on expiry day strangles as well as ratio spreads for directional trades. His firm, Livelong Wealth, has been in the wealth management industry for the last 7 years with 20 crore+ AUM globally at their prop desk. Their major focus is on trading Banknifty and Nifty options strategies and from time to time take long only Equity Swings. They pay careful attention to managing the risks on their spreads and believe in consistency and long-term vision rather than quick profits with higher risk.
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