My Money Guru

SEBI Registration No: INA100010402

Registration Name :-NITIN KUMAR SINGHAL Prop MYMONEYGURU Registration Type: Proprietorship Registration Number: - INA100010402 Registration Validity: - Perpetual Sebi regional address: - 3rd Floor, Eldeco Corporate Chambers II, Picup Bhawan Rd, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226010 Disclaimer:- Registration granted by SEBI, membership of BASL (in case of IAs) and certification from NISM in no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to investors. Agreement between IA & Client Details of Obliger Name: NITIN KUMAR SINGHAL PAN: BQUPS3337R Contact Number: 9873378378

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Asset Allocation

My Money Guru

SEBI reg. No: INA100010402

Registration Name :-NITIN KUMAR SINGHAL Prop MYMONEYGURU Registration Type: Proprietorship Registration Number: - INA100010402 Registration Validity: - Perpetual Sebi regional address: - 3rd Floor, Eldeco Corporate Chambers II, Picup Bhawan Rd, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226010 Disclaimer:- Registration granted by SEBI, membership of BASL (in case of IAs) and certification from NISM in no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to investors. Agreement between IA & Client Details of Obliger Name: NITIN KUMAR SINGHAL PAN: BQUPS3337R Contact Number: 9873378378

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Corporate Governance
Asset Allocation

Managed by

Nitin Kumar Singhal

Nitin Kumar Singhal

15+ experience

Nitin is the founder of MyMoneyGuru and has over 12 years of experience in stock market. He is a CFA (ICFAI) and holds an MS Finance degree. Prior to the foundation of MyMoneyGuru he has worked with IHG and RBS in private wealth division of Ultra HNI client.

His strength is years of experience into market and identifying high quality stocks with huge potential of exponential growth. He has layered his approach with filtration of companies with high corporate governance and sustainable price to growth ratio.

Nitin is the founder of MyMoneyGuru and has over 12 years of experience in stock market. He is a CFA (ICFAI) and holds an MS Finance degree. Prior to the foundation of MyMoneyGuru he has worked with IHG and RBS in private wealth division of Ultra HNI client.

His strength is years of experience into market and identifying high quality stocks with huge potential of exponential growth. He has layered his approach with filtration of companies with high corporate governance and sustainable price to growth ratio.

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