About the smallcase

  • Keep investing simple. Original thinking. Cut the noise.
  • Demergers are ignored by Institutional players. Hence, they are often subject to forced selling and often present excellent opportunities. Negen Capital has developed in-depth strength and knowledge in Demerger based investing.
  • Technology companies will be at the forefront in the future. They will gain significant market share from traditional business going forward. Investors must have Tech in their portfolio to stay ahead of the rest.
  • 'Value+Growth' is the combination we aspire to find. It is the most potent way of investing.
  • 'Opportunistic SIP' approach will help our investors to keep increasing their lead over benchmark indices and the crowd over the long term. 'Opportunistic SIP' means to add only when the index falls 5-7%. This is most important.

Read more about Negen Opportunistic SIP

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