About the smallcase
Our Best Ideas Basket brings to you high conviction ideas that have been handpicked and curated based on our deep-dive bottom-up fundamental research. We believe in eating our own cooking, meaning that majority of our own equity portfolio is invested in these ideas.
Our historical track record so far suggests that our recommendations have been able to outperform markets considerably, especially during challenging periods. We attribute this outperformance to below key factors:
- Minimize Unforced Errors - Avoid Bad Investments i.e. avoid businesses with weak governance, weak economics and/or weak industry dynamics. Capital protection is our first and foremost goal.
- Focus on Absolute Valuation - We don't get carried away by relative valuations as these can be misleading during times of excessive optimism/pessimism. Instead, we focus on absolute valuation determined based on our assessment of the long-term earnings power of a business.
- Magnify Winners - Our conviction led approach helps us to grade our recommendations such that we place bigger emphasis on businesses where management execution and business momentum is favorable.
This smallcase is managed by our founder, Ankit Agrawal (IITB, MBA, CFA), who was formerly a core member of the investment team in New York with Investcorp, a $34bn+ global asset manager.
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