About the smallcase

The conventional wisdom is that startups need to be based in developed countries where resources are abundant. However, this overlooks the fact that startups can originate anywhere. In fact, it is often in countries with the greatest challenges where startups can find the biggest opportunities. Underdeveloped nations, countries experiencing conflict, and those new to entrepreneurship each present unique problems that startups can leverage to make an impact, not just a profit.

India is a nation where the startup revolution has been in progress for decades and is currently home to over 100 Unicorns. We introduce the Startup India investment basket, stocks possessing the potential to become part of the following 1000 Unicorns.

Our algorithm applies specific constraints to identify the basket's best stocks with a market cap of < 4500 CR and outside NSE500, designed for investors seeking very high-risk opportunities.

  • Stock Selection - Basket of stocks selected from the NIFTY MICROCAP250 Universe
  • Rebalancing - Monthly
  • This is a Very High-Risk Basket.
  • Past Performance is not an indicator of Future results.

P.S: Try using 5+ lakhs as an investment in charges calculator to see the benefit over time.

This is NOT a Model Portfolio. Instead, subscribers should work with their investment advisor to allocate the weights for their stocks according to their individual risk profiles. This will help ensure the portfolio is tailored to meet their specific needs and goals.

Read more about Quantace Startup India Unicorns

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