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How to improve the Investment Score?

How to improve the Investment Score?
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Investing wisely is more than just choosing the right assets; it’s about building a strategy that stands the test of time. And with the Investment Score – a tool designed to evaluate the health of your portfolio and provide valuable insights throughout your investing journey. In this blog, we’ll explore practical steps to enhance your Investment Score and pave the way for a more resilient and rewarding investment journey.

Balance It Out

Begin by reviewing the composition of your portfolio. Is it well-balanced among stable and steady assets? The key to having a high score is to have a majority of your money in stable and steady assets which are less volatile and risky, compared to high-growth assets. This approach establishes a sturdy foundation for your portfolio, making it resilient in the face of market uncertainties. The insights provided on the Investment Score page offer guidance on how to balance your portfolio within different asset types. This strategic approach enhances your portfolio balance and, consequently, improves your overall score.

Embrace Consistency 

Discipline plays a pivotal role in long-term investing success. Your habits, especially in terms of Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs), impact your score. Regularly setting up and executing SIPs for your non-core Mutual Funds and smallcases demonstrates commitment and contributes positively to your score. The actionables offered on the Investment Score page directs you to start SIPs in Mutual Funds and smallcases or address pending SIPs. By taking these actions, you not only stay on course with your financial goals but also improve your overall score.

Keep an Eye on Rebalances

For those with smallcases, regular rebalancing is a game-changer. It ensures your portfolio remains fit for dynamic market conditions, adhering to the ideal strategy. While rebalancing is voluntary, checking rebalancing updates is essential to prevent any negative impact on your score.

Regular Review

Review your score on a monthly basis as market movements can affect your portfolio. Take actions, as available on the score page, to ensure you stay on the path to long-term wealth creation. You can also refer to the Investment Score Report available on the investment score page on the smallcase app. The report breaks down your score into individual components and helps you better understand your portfolio gaps and corrective measures. 

As you strive to boost your Investment Score, keep in mind that it’s not about making drastic changes overnight, but rather a gradual process of shifting your investing habits and mindset. At smallcase, we advocate for a long-term approach, especially for everyday individuals seeking steady financial growth without unnecessary stress. Remember – the objective is not merely a high score but a portfolio that fulfills your goals and stays resilient amidst market fluctuations. 

This is a rule-driven tool applicable uniformly to all the users of the tool and does not take into account any individual risk-reward preferences, demography, financial goals or any other financial assets/liabilities that an individual may have. The tool is based on generally accepted market principles of diversification, asset allocation and systematic investing. The tool should not be construed as investment advice or research. You should seek professional advice when necessary, as the Company do not assume responsibility for any outcomes. Read more

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How to improve the Investment Score?
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