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Engineering Archives - smallcase

image Open Sourcing URL Shortener
Reading Time: 11 minutes
Taking our first steps in Open Source. In this article, we want to share our journey in making URL Shortener service open source. And we welcome your contributions.
image Field-level encryption in MongoDB community server, using Node JS and Mongoose
Reading Time: 5 minutes
FLE is very easy to implement in MongoDB enterprise version but not so much in community version. Not using mongoDB native driver makes it more tricky.In this blog, we will walk through how we can achieve this using comunity server and mongoose, keeping in mind the caveats and performance hit.
image Micro-frontend in smallcase
Reading Time: 17 minutes
Extending the microservice idea to frontend development. Check out how subscription flow for private smallcase uses micro frontend architecture for building modern micro web apps which are used by multiple product teams at smallcase.