Mayank has been investing for over 10 years and has a track record of picking multi-baggers. At the age of 16, he initially started investing as a hobby, but quickly found a passion for it and decided to turn it into a career. In addition to wanting to achieve financial success for himself and his clients, he is also motivated by a desire to give back to society and help others achieve their financial goals. | The content in this article is purely the author’s personal opinion and is for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be construed as professional financial advice and nor to be construed as an offer to buy /sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy / sell any security or financial products.
The views and opinions stated in the content belong to the author.
CRAVING ALPHA LLP does not uphold nor promote any of the views / opinions. | CRAVING ALPHA LLP is a SEBI registered Investment Adviser (Regn. No. INA300017038)

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