Home Learn What is the Fundamental Analysis of Stocks in India Meaning?

What is the Fundamental Analysis of Stocks in India Meaning?

What is the Fundamental Analysis of Stocks in India Meaning?
Reading Time: 10 minutes

Ever wondered how people decide which stocks to invest in or what are some of the good stocks that provide good returns? Well, that’s where “fundamental analysis of stocks” comes into play. With the introduction to fundamental analysis principles, investors peek under the hood of a company to see how it’s really doing. It’s like checking out a car’s engine before deciding to buy it – you want to know if it’s a smooth ride or a bumpy one. But how? Let’s find that out.

What is Share Market Analysis?

In the world of investing, Share Market Analysis is like doing your homework before you buy a stock. Share market analysis, which is sometimes called stock market analysis, is like a step-by-step way of looking at things to figure out if investing in stocks is a good idea. The fundamental goal of share market analysis is to equip investors with a clear understanding of the performance, trends, and future prospects of both individual companies and the market as a whole. By gathering and analyzing relevant information, investors can make prudent choices about when to buy, hold, or sell stocks, aligning these decisions with their financial objectives and risk tolerance. Now that we have covered how to analyse stock market, let’s understand how to study the share market and its fundamental analysis.

What is Fundamental Analysis in Stock Market?

So, the basics of fundamental analysis of stocks is like peeling back the layers of an onion to understand what makes a company tick. Fundamental analysis (FA) assesses the inherent worth of a security through an examination of relevant economic and financial indicators. 

Intrinsic value means a stock or a company, represents its true or real worth based on fundamental factors like financial performance, earnings potential, assets, and other relevant economic indicators.

In short, it is a method of analyzing the genuine worth of a company or asset by examining the elements that might impact its future price. So, think of fundamental analysis as your secret sauce for understanding what something’s really worth and where it might be headed

In a nutshell, objectives of fundamental analysis of stocks helps you answer questions like:

  • Is this company making money or losing it?
  • Is it managing its debts well or drowning in them?
  • Are people buying its products and services?
  • How does it compare to other companies in the same industry?

What is the Importance of Fundamental Analysis of Stocks?

The importance of fundamental analysis of Indian stocks cannot be overstated, as it is a crucial process for investors looking to make informed investment decisions. Stocks fundamental analysis importance suggests evaluating a company’s financial health and performance, as well as its position within the industry and broader economic landscape.

What are the Tools for Fundamental Analysis?

Here is a list of fundamental analysis tools down below: 

  • Financial Statements: This includes the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement, which provide insights into a company’s financial health.
  • Ratios: Calculating and analyzing various financial ratios like P/E ratio, P/B ratio, and debt-to-equity ratio to assess a company’s performance.
  • Earnings Reports: Reviewing a company’s quarterly and annual earnings reports for key financial information.
  • SEC Filings: Analyzing documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, such as 10-Ks and 10-Qs.
  • News and Market Data: Staying updated on news and market trends that could impact a company’s stock.
  • Economic Indicators: Considering economic indicators like GDP growth, interest rates, and inflation that can affect the market.
  • Industry Research: Understanding the industry in which a company operates to gauge its competitive position.
  • Competitor Analysis: Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of a company’s competitors.
  • Management and Leadership: Assessing the quality and experience of a company’s management team.
  • Historical Performance: Reviewing a company’s historical performance and growth trends.

Fundamental Analysis vs. Technical Analysis

The fundamental analysis vs technical analysis’ basics are quite different. Fundamental analysis of stocks is your go-to if you’re thinking about long-term investments. Technical analysis, though, is more about quick trades. Certain indicators give rise to patterns that bear names reflecting their shapes, like the head and shoulders pattern. Meanwhile, there are those that employ trendlines, support, and resistance lines to illustrate how traders perceive investments and forecast future developments. Illustrative instances of these stock picks include the symmetrical triangle and the wedge.

Get to Know the Key Players of Fundamental Analysis of Stocks

When it comes to diving into the world of stock values, understanding the key players of fundamental analysis is like unlocking the secrets behind a company’s financial health. Let’s have a look at them. 

Financial Statements

Alright, let’s dive in. Imagine a company’s financial statements as its report card. You’ve got three main ones:

  • Balance Sheet: A balance sheet shows what the company owns and owes.
  • Income Statement: Reveals how much money the company makes and spends.
  • Cash Flow Statement: Tracks the cash coming in and going out.

These statements give you a snapshot of the company’s financial health.

Crunching Numbers: Ratios and Metrics

Now, this is where the magic happens. You’ll come across some fancy terms, but don’t worry, it’s not rocket science. Just remember:

  • P/E Ratio: Price-to-Earnings ratio compares stock price to earnings per share. Lower might mean a good deal.
  • P/B Ratio: Price-to-Book ratio compares stock price to its “book value.” Lower can be promising.
  • Dividend Yield: How much the company pays out to shareholders. Higher can mean a nice payout.
  • Debt-to-Equity Ratio: The Debt-to-Equity ratio measures how much a company relies on borrowing.

These ratios help you see if a stock is overpriced, underpriced, or just right.

What’s the Story Behind the Numbers?

Numbers might seem fascinating, but there’s more to it. Consider a company’s:

  • Earnings Per Share (EPS): If the EPS is growing then its a good sign.
  • Revenue Growth: Is the company making more money over time?

Combine these with the ratios, and you start getting a clearer picture.

How To Do Fundamental Analysis of Stocks?

Using Financial Ratios for Initial Selection

Navigating through the vast expanse of the Indian stock exchange, which boasts a staggering 5,500 listed stocks, can feel like a monumental task. You can begin the preliminary screening of stocks by employing a range of financial ratios, such as the Price to Earnings (PE) ratio, Price to Book Value (PBV) ratio, Return on Equity (ROE), Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), Current ratio, Dividend yield, and more.

Understand the Company for Fundamental Analysis

Once you’ve filtered out companies using the criteria we discussed earlier, the next essential step in fundamental analysis of stock market involves delving into these companies. This comprehension enables you to effectively gauge its performance – whether it’s on a winning streak or facing challenges, if its future plans are on point, how it stacks up against its rivals, and the ultimate decision of whether to stick with the stock or consider parting ways. 

Study the Company’s Financial Statements

Diving into a company’s financial statements is like peeking into its financial diary. These statements, including the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement, lay out the company’s money story. By understanding fundamental analysis of stocks, you’ll get a clear picture of the company’s financial health, its assets & liabilities, debts and profits and above all, how well it’s managing its money. 

Identify the Company’s Competitors 

Before you jump into investing, take the time to explore the company’s fellow contenders via fundamental analysis of stock market. It’s a smart move to figure out what sets this company apart from the rest. Moreover, you should be able to explain why you’re choosing this company over its rivals in a compelling manner.

What are the Steps in Fundamental Analysis?

Follow the mentioned stocks fundamental analysis down below: 

  • Get to know the company and what it sells.
  • Look at the company’s financial reports and ratios.
  • Examine the company’s debt and how it manages its money.
  • Keep an eye on the competition.
  • Study how the company plans to grow and what it needs to do.
  • Regularly check how the company is doing compared to its past performance.

In addition to these factors, investors should also consider the general economic conditions in their own country and globally, particularly in relation to the products and services the company offers.

Types of Analysis in Stock Market

Here are two types fundamental analysis of stocks: 

A. Qualitative Analysis: 

Qualitative analysis is all about the non-numerical factors that can affect a company’s performance. It is a type of fundamental analysis of stocks. It’s like trying to get a feel for the company’s personality and character. Here are the types of questions you should ask during qualitative analysis of fundamental analysis of stocks:

  • Who are the key people running the company?
  • What’s the company’s position in the industry?
  • Who are its main competitors, and how does it compare?
  • How does the company make money?
  • Is there something unique about its products or services that sets it apart?
  • Has the company been involved in any legal issues or controversies?
  • How is the company perceived by its customers and the public?

B. Quantitative Analysis:

Quantitative analysis is a type of fundamental analysis of stocks that involves crunching the numbers to understand a company’s financial health and performance. It’s like looking at the cold, hard facts. Here are the types of questions you should ask during quantitative analysis of fundamental analysis of stocks:

  • What do the company’s Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement reveal about its financial health?
  • Is the company making a profit? How has its revenue and expenses changed over time?
  • Is the company generating enough cash flow to cover its expenses and investments?
  • Are the company’s earnings per share (EPS) increasing over time?
  • How is the company’s revenue growth? Is it expanding its business?
  • Does the company pay dividends to shareholders? How consistent are these payments?
  • What is the company’s market share in its industry?

Who Uses Fundamental Stock Data Analysis?

Fundamental stock data analysis is a valuable tool that finds its place in the toolkit of various individuals and entities. Therefore, let’s have a look at the  tools for fundamental analysis: 

  • Value or Long-Term Investors: They use it to figure out how much a stock is really worth and how much it might grow. This helps them decide if the stock is a good deal and if they should buy it at a certain price.
  • Corporate Managers and Accountants: They use it to see how well their company is making money. It helps them make the company work better and see how they’re doing compared to other companies in the same field.

Other Forms of Share Market Analysis to Consider

Apart from the fundamentals and technical analysis, fundamental analysts have the option to employ alternative methods for stock price assessment. Quantitative analysis, akin to technical analysis, relies on complex financial calculations for forecasting future price trends. This method employs mathematical and statistical models to examine historical data and uncover broader patterns. 

Moreover, analysts can opt for either a top-down or bottom-up analysis approach. The top-down method involves assessing the overall economy before focusing on specific company performance, while the bottom-up approach starts with individual company analysis and expands to gauge the broader economic context.

What are the Pros and Cons of Fundamental Analysis?

Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of fundamental analysis of stocks below:

Evaluates intrinsic valueTime-consuming
Long-term perspectiveSubjective
Provides insights into financial healthLimited for short-term trading
Helps in stock selectionRequires data access
Useful for value investingCan be affected by market sentiment
Incorporates economic and industry factorsDoesn’t predict short-term price fluctuations
Suitable for dividend investorsComplex for beginners

Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Stock Fundamentals

Here are some common pitfalls to watch out for when conducting fundamental analysis of stocks:

  • Relying too much on Past Performance: Don’t rely too heavily on a stock’s past success as a guarantee of future gains. Always consider the current financial status and future outlook of the company.
  • Neglecting the Big Picture: Changes in interest rates, inflation, and other economic factors can sway stock prices. Keep the macro environment in mind during the steps of fundamental analysis.
  • Getting Too Attached: Falling in love with a stock is tempting, especially if it’s been doing great. But stocks aren’t your pals – they’re investments. Be ready to let go if the company’s fundamentals shift.
  • Chasing Past Trends Blindly: Just because a stock had a good run in the past doesn’t mean it’ll keep soaring. Do your homework to ensure the stock still holds promise. 
  • Skipping Research of Fundamental Analysis Steps: Fundamental analysis of stocks isn’t a shortcut. Don’t cut corners – thorough stock research is key to making wise investment choices.

Example of Fundamental Analysis of Stocks

Now that we know all the fundamental analysis approach has been associated with, let’s learn more about how to do fundamental analysis of a company. Begin by ABC Company as a prominent illustration for the application of fundamental analysis for investors. 

Financial Statements: Consider by examining ABC Company’s financial statements. Here’s a simplified version:

Income Statement (in Rs.)Balance Sheet (in Rs.)Cash Flow Statement (in Rs.)
Revenue: 2,500,000Assets: 6,000,000Operating Cash Flow: 800,000
Expenses: 1,800,000Liabilities: 3,000,000Investing Cash Flow: -300,000
Net Income: 700,000Equity: 3,000,000Financing Cash Flow: -500,000

Key Financial Ratios:

  • P/E Ratio (Price-to-Earnings): Calculate the P/E ratio by dividing the stock price (e.g., Rs. 50 per share) by the earnings per share (Rs. 7 per share). In this case, P/E = 50 / 7 ≈ 7.14.
  • P/B Ratio (Price-to-Book): Calculate the P/B ratio by dividing the stock price by the book value per share. If the stock price is Rs. 50 and the book value per share is Rs. 10, the P/B ratio is 50 / 10 = 5.0.
  • Debt-to-Equity Ratio: Calculate this ratio by dividing total debt (Rs. 1,500,000) by total equity (Rs. 3,000,000), resulting in a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.5.
  • Return on Equity (ROE): Calculate ROE by dividing net income (Rs. 700,000) by total equity (Rs. 3,000,000). In this case, ROE is 700,000 / 3,000,000 = 0.233 or 23.3%.

To Wrap It Up…

When you’re aiming for long-term investments, you begin with stock fundamental analysis. It might sound complex, but fundamental analysis is a tool for long term plan. So, take your time to grasp financial analysis of stocks, how a company’s stock grows, and other steps in fundamental analysis. However, if you’re looking for a one-stop place to do all this, visit smallcase. You can find financial statements, execute stock price analysis, put stocks on your watchlist, and even invest directly, all in one place. Ready to start your investing adventure? Start now!


1. How to analyse stocks?

To analyse stocks, you can use fundamental analysis to study the company’s financial statements and economic situation, or technical analysis to study the stock’s price movements and trends.

2. How do you analyse stocks for beginners?

For beginners, there are two ways of analyzing stocks – quantitative and qualitative analysis.  Consider online fundamental analysis tools like smallcase for financial statements, tool for stock analysis, and direct investment.

3. How to identify good stocks?

Here are the steps on how to identify good stocks via fundamental analysis of stocks

1. Understand the company’s business model and financial performance.
2. Compare the company to its competitors.
3. Consider the macro environment.
4. Use financial ratios to assess the company’s value.
5. Make an informed investment decision

4. How to know what stocks to buy?

Do your best stock market research, Consider the macro environment, Buy stocks that you understand, Be patient and portfolio diversification are some of the tips you should know while buying stocks.

5. Where can you get a fundamental report of a company/stock ?

You can get a fundamental report of a company/stock from:
1. Stock analysis websites
2. Brokerage firms
3. Independent research firms

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